Custom Clearance NO - Assisted Tariffing

How to use assisted tariffing function in Emma


Emma Assisted Tariffing (AT) is a dedicated module/function in Emma designed to simplify and expedite the Customs Clearance process for shipments with numerous product lines. Since the customer's own article number/product number is central to this function, customers can also receive enhanced feedback (data) for internal monitoring of their customs and duty expenses. Emma AT can also be used for manual registration, but it is most beneficial in cases where customers can provide a file that is uploaded and forms the basis for all product lines. This can be done through Excel or XML formats.

To fully benefit from AT, it is advisable to also establish a customer article register. This manual will begin by outlining how to build a customer article register before delving into how Assisted Tariffing (AT) works in the context of customs.

For customers currently utilizing our E-Doc solution for monitoring and oversight of their customs clearances, they will now receive product numbers/articles in the files we transfer to them. This will provide them with a valuable tool to enhance their own visibility and control over any fees associated with each individual product.

Important note:

Please be aware that AT must be built from scratch, as it is not possible to convert existing data to AT (e.g., retrieve from History). However, we can extract data on a report to simplify the initial registration of product entries. This is particularly useful for customers who previously dealt with products requiring documents and permits that need to be registered.

Main features:


The main tab is where you can build a customer-specific article register with maintenance, creating a link between the customer's article number/product number, product description, and relevant tariff number. It is also possible to add any quotas/documents at the article/tariff number level. More information on this below.


The system will continue to expand and build a history, similar to the current History function. This allows the system to link and create a product entry when the same article/tariff number is used again, such as on the second use.

Assisted Tariffing, the tab in the customs module:

More details on this will be provided later in the manual. Users can configure whether they always need to go through AT or choose for themselves.


Users have the flexibility to choose which fields to register/control for each customer. You can create a template for each customer (where customer refers to either sender or recipient). The system will automatically remember the template for the customer, eliminating the need for manual operations.

Create a new customer in Articles/Quotas/Documents:

Click on the green + in the top part "Customer" and locate the customer for whom you need to create an article register for.


Note! Customers can also be created directly in AT.

Import or create articles:

Click on the green + in the top section "Articles" to create a new article, or click on "Import articles".

Create an article:

Enter information about the article. Add documents, fees, and any quotas (located under tabs in the Article registration section).


Import articles:

The following information can be imported into the article register:

  • Article number (should be included)
  • Description
  • Item number/Tariff
  • Gross weight
  • Net weight
  • Origin
  • Preference
  • Quantity factor
  • Package type
  • Orig. county

Select the data to import from Excel and copy it. Then click on "Import articles". The following window will appear (see below). Choose which tab from Excel should be mapped to the article register tab (see image below).


When you press "Save", the information will be saved for the customer. Further maintenance on the article can be done by double-clicking on the article. Here, you can add suppliers and any missing information (Documents, Fees, and Quota, more on this below).


Add and maintain documents such as SER Certificate of Origin, USK, KVT, etc.



FA (Research fee) and VAT (Value-added tax)


Reduced duties, for example in connection with the USK document (duty reduction granted by the state agricultural administration). If there is a duty reduction, it will also be automatically added under the goods subject to duty.


To add information about quotas, go to the quota tab and click on the green + icon to bring up the editing window.


Note! The quota is linked to the item number/tariff number, so it will also apply to other articles with the same item number.

Assisted Tariffing:


This is how it looks before you reach assisted tariffing, where you enter all details down to the invoice, where you do not enter anything but skip straight to the section.


If either the sender (shipper) or the recipient (consignee) has a catalog created beforehand, it will be automatically selected. If not, you must now choose one of them. It is advisable to select the party that remains consistent from task to task.


Articles, which columns are visible and which columns one stops at, are saved per catalog.

Choose visible columns based on the data available. If a column is visible, AT will expect to find information in that column. If a column is not visible, AT will use automation to fill in data if necessary. This especially applies to gross/net weight.

Note! Tariff number, product value, and quantity must always be visible.




Column Selection:

Here, you select which columns to go through when reviewing the rows. If you are receiving data from external systems, you usually only need to review the tariff number.

Combining Item Lines:

If you want to combine item lines, it is possible after creating the item lines. The system will also remember the original dataset before the combination, making it easy and functional to revisit the basis or potentially perform a new combination. This can be done under "Settings" by checking "Combine items."

We do not recommend combining items as long as individual articles are being used; we prefer to retain information per article.

Using Quantity as Packages and Setting Head Values

If selected and the column has data, the head value will be updated. For the number of packages, this also applies if "Use quantity as packages" is active, even if there is no data in the "num. packages" column.

For packages, it will now sum up to the head if the "num. packages" column has data and the head value is empty.

Pasting (Copying) from Excel:

Copy what you have in your Excel file. Here is an example of how this could look. Remember to include column names in the first row!


Click on "Excel paste" in the Assisted Tariffing screen. This will display the data from Excel, allowing you to select which columns contain specific data.

TIP: Organize the order and display in AT in the same way as the columns in the XLS file. Remove/Hide the columns in AT that are not present in your XLS file. The columns that are visible in Assisted Tariffing are expected to be filled with data.

Tariff number, Value, and Quantity columns must be included and filled out.


Select what each column contains by clicking on the "down arrow" icon in each column title.



You may also enter an invoice number and invoice currency if all rows are from the same invoice.

After clicking Save, it will then appear like this.



Set preference:

Here, you can select the countries you have agreements with and add certificate number in the certificate column. This will always be included when you have this product code.


Adding products manually in AT:

A helpful tip here is to set up the template/fields in the same order as they appear on the commercial invoice from the customer. When manually entering products, you will experience fewer errors and a much quicker registration process compared to traditional line-by-line registration.

You can easily maintain what should be displayed and in what order by checking on/off, or dragging and moving the fields as shown in the image below.


To create a new line, click on the green + (refer to the image below)


Data Registration/Completion:

When creating a new catalog, it is important to select which fields to review. It is always recommended to review the tariff number.

Click on the "Settings" button and check/uncheck the boxes for the columns where you want/don't want to pause. You can always navigate to a cell using the mouse pointer; this is only for manual input.


Now, you can begin registering/completing the data. The tariff number is color-coded based on status:

  • Green indicates a valid tariff number that has been selected and confirmed.
  • Yellow signifies that the system has found the only valid tariff number based on the first six digits of the original tariff number ("HS code"). Users do not need to confirm.
  • Red indicates that the original tariff number is invalid or ambiguous, requiring user confirmation.
  • Blank indicates that there is no color in the column, meaning it is not a valid product code/HS code. Emma checks the first 6 digits.

When you navigate to the tariff number column and press enter, the tariff will appear, and you can select it by simply using the enter key.


After selecting the tariff number, the status will turn green.


The system will remember the link between the article number and tariff number for next time, or the original tariff number (from abroad) to the tariff number if there is no article number.

Selection of documents in Assisted Tariffing. Click on the "Set documents" button:


Clicking on this will bring up the following screen:


Here, it has looked up in the tariff and found that one or more of the tariff numbers may have one or more of these documents. By default, all documents are selected, and it fetches any text that has been saved before.

In this case, N2 has been deselected and a text has been filled in for V5. When you save, it will then remove any N2 documents, and save the V5 and VT documents. These are stored in a side table that is not directly visible in Assisted Tariffing, but is used when creating item lines.

Then, the item lines are created. It will then retrieve the documents from the side table, so they are added to the item lines:


Here is another item line: As you can see, it only includes the document if the tariff number allows it.


Create Items:


When creating item lines, all existing item lines will be deleted. AT will then create new item lines based on the entered data. Depending on the available data, AT may use automation to fill in missing information.

The number of packages is retrieved from the header (section 6 Number of packages) and added to the first item line. The remaining item lines for packages will be set to 0.

Weights are distributed from the header if they are missing. If both gross and net weights are missing, distribution will be based on value. If only gross or net weight is missing, the weight from the header will be proportionally distributed to the line. For example, with 500 kg gross and 400 kg net on the header, and the line has 10 kg net weight (no gross on the line), it will calculate to 12.5 = 13 kg gross weight on the line.

Fees are automatically set unless specified in the article register.