Below are the explanation for the repsonse codes from Danish customs in DMS Export
You can in Toldtabel (F6) see the status code send back from the Danish customs to EmmaSped CMS DK.
As you can see we have kept the status code that we used for the old (E-export) solution to keep it simpel for you as a customer.
Explanation of the different statuses in Customs clearance DK.
Status 1: Ready for dispatch
Status 2: Attempted sent, ready for dispatch
Status 3: Transferred to customs
Status 3D: DK Customs confirm declaration delivered to AS4/DMS
Status 4: Error message and acknowledged for error message read
Status 5: Declaration will now have MRN number and will be waiting for new update, if you are creating an declaration with your bevilling in 1615 Location of goods, then it will automatic moved to 9x after 15-18 minutes, when we get the approved status from DK Customs.
Status 6: Acknowledged for error message read after you have clicked "Kvitter for lestmelding"
Status 7: Manual Inspection required from DK Customs
Status 8: Waiting for a new message
Status 9x: Approved from DK Customs
Status 9A: Arrived at Exit, if goods exit outside DK you will not see this status - you will only see 9x & 9E
Status 9E: Declaration left EU