Getting started with Emma Systems Help Center

This article will help you get started with Emma Systems Help Center, explain how to contact Customer Service and how to view and update your open tickets.


Explore the features of our Help Center`s self service content!

The Emma Systems Help Center is a new feature in 2024. We strive to create great articles and video`s of all new functions and features in our products.

Browsing and searching for content

Browse by choosing your product to find the most relevant content.



After choosing your product, you will be presented the different countries and associated sub-categories.


If you search from the main page, you will search the entire Help Center across all categories. The category is listed together with each search suggestion. 



If you can`t find any relevant article for your question or issue, please contact us by clicking on the "Contact support" in the top right corner.


Fill in the requried fields * and be as precisely as possible in the ticket description.
It will help us solving your case faster. If you are able to also add an example as an attachment, e.g screenshot of the error message, it will usually improve the resolution time.


  1. Enter your e-mail address. 
  2. Enter company name
  3. Enter a subject. A subject is a short header describing your inquiry.
  4. Describe your inquiry in the Ticket description The more details you can provide, the easier it is for us to help you.
  5. Choose the product the inquiry is about. 
  6. Choose the correct Ticket type.
    • Incident: When something has stopped working in your solution from Emma Systems or a reduction in the quality of its services or uptime.

      Question: Question about a product from Emma Systems.

      Service Request: A standard change to your solution from Emma Systems, e.g. additional feature, modifying a current setup, request access, report adjustments, default setup.

      Furthermore, the Supplier assigns a Priority to all Incidents reported by Customer. A Priority determines which process and escalation procedure shall be followed. The following Priority levels are used:

      Incident priority:

      1. Priority 1: With no workaround, where the use of a critical system is impossible in the production environment, or severely risks to critical business operations
      2. Priority 2: With no workaround, where major functionality is severely affected or restricted, but not causing immediate work stoppage, and operation can continue in a restricted fashion.
      3. Priority 3: Where there is a moderate loss or degradation of services, but work can reasonably continue in an impaired manner.
      4. Priority 4: Where there is a minor loss or degradation of services, but work can reasonably continue in an impaired manner.
  1. If EmmaSped is selected as Product, you`ll need to fill inn EmmaSped country and Version
  2. If you want to attach a file, e.g. an error message etc., drag/drop a file under Attachmentsor click Add file to browse and locate the file on your computer.
  3. Click Submit to send in the form.

*If you have a full production stop (Priority 1): please register a ticket and then call support by phone

Customer Portal: 


The Customer Portal is available for all customers at Emma Systems. If you haven`t received an invitation, please request access to :

Search in your e-mail inbox for : You've been given access to content at Emma Systems Customer Portal


Invitation to portal



View tickets reported by you and others in your organisation

Explanation of the different stages:

Open-New: New ticket, no reply back from Emma support.
Open-Waiting on customer: Support agent has replied, awaiting response from customer.
Open-Waiting on agent: Customer has replied, awaiting response from support agent.
Open-On Hold: The ticket is put "on hold", typically agreed with the customer.
Open-Evaluation: The customer ask for a code change, the request will be assessed by the product team.
Open-In Development: The code change is approved by the product team.
Open-Pending closed: The support agent consider the ticket as solved from Emma`s side - the customer get an e-mail notification.
Closed: The ticket is closed and the customer will get an e-mail where we ask "how was your support experience"


View tickets reported from others in your organisation. 

