As part of the initial phase of Release 3, carriers must now provide a complete dataset for their ICS2 filings. The messages F10 through F13, along with F45, are essential components that carriers will transmit during this phase, which runs from June 3rd to December 4th.
See link:ICS2 updates for latest update regarding ICS2
See ICS2 for different types of filings for carriers and house filers.
It is important to highlight that message types F15 through F17 will be relevant for house filing and will be released alongside detailed documentation in the near future.
At this time, it is important to note that the carrier filing for ENS utilizing message type F10 is adequate. For further information on the filing process, please refer to the ICS2 maritime filing guidelines for the maritime sector
To begin, access the ICS2 system from the designated menu and select the ICS2 option.
Next, initiate the process by choosing the Entry Summary Declaration along with the appropriate message type. For further guidance, click on each message listed below to identify the mandatory fields required for completion.
For each filing, we provide a Simple overview of all mandatory fields, as well as a Full view that includes the complete dataset if necessary. in most cases, simple view would be adequate.
Additionally, it is possible to create templates for your filings. For more information, please refer to the guide on ICS2 templates.
F10 - Complete dataset - Straight bill of lading
F11 - Complete dataset
F12 - Partial dataset - Master bill of lading only
F13 - Partial dataset - Straight bill of lading only
F45 - Partial dataset - Postal consignment
Request for information from customs (RFI):
Important considerations for filing:
Single ENS filing:
F10 - Complete dataset - Straight bill of lading
Please choose message type F10 and ensure that you fill out the header and house/item level with the following essential requirements:
IMO number
Type of transport (see codelist)
Nationality of means of transport
Estimated date/time of departure/arrival
Countries of routing
Carrier EORI, name and address
Place of loading/unloading
Transport Document Master Level (number + type)
Declarant EORI, name, address and contact information
Customs office of first entry
House consignment
Total gross mass
Place of acceptance
GoodsItem (Description, 6-digit commodity code, gross mass, shipping marks, number of packages, type of packages)
Consignor name and address
Method of Payment
Place of delivery
Buyer name and address
Seller name and address
F11 - Complete dataset
To begin, select message type F11 to submit a complete dataset, and proceed to fill out the five tabs with the following required information:
- For consolidated cargo at the master level, the goods description can be replaced with "detailed goods description as provided from the house level" if house-level details are filed. If not, the carrier will need to amend the ENS filing.
- No dummy commodity codes should be used; a valid 6-digit HS code is required.
- The gross mass at the master level must include all house consignments under that master document.
- Detailed information for each house consignment must be provided without consolidation.
This aligns with air cargo guidance, so we expect the same rules for other transport modes.
IMO number
Type of transport (see codelist)
Nationality of means of transport
Estimated date/time of departure/arrival
Countries of routing
Declarant EORI, name, address and contact information
Customs office of first entry
Master consignment
Total gross mass
Place of acceptance
Carrier EORI, name and address
GoodsItem (Description, gross mass, shipping marks, number of packages, type of packages)
Consignor name and address
Method of Payment
Place of loading/unloading/delivery
Transport Document Master Level (number + type)
House consignment
Total gross mass
Place of acceptance
GoodsItem (Description, 6-digit commodity code, gross mass, shipping marks, number of packages, type of packages)
Consignor name and address
Method of Payment
Place of delivery
Buyer name and address
Seller name and address
Countries of routing
Transport Document House level (number + type)
Multiple ENS filings:
F12 - Partial dataset - Master bill of lading only
- For consolidated cargo at the master level, the goods description can be replaced with "detailed goods description as provided from the house level" if house-level details are filed. If not, the carrier will need to amend the ENS filing.
- No dummy commodity codes should be used; a valid 6-digit HS code is required.
- The gross mass at the master level must include all house consignments under that master document.
- Detailed information for each house consignment must be provided without consolidation.
This aligns with air cargo guidance, so we expect the same rules for other transport modes.
To proceed, please select message type F12, and ensure that you accurately fill out the header and Goods item tab with the following information:
IMO number
Type of transport (see codelist)
Nationality of means of transport
Estimated date/time of departure/arrival
Countries of routing
Declarant EORI, name, address and contact information
Customs office of first entry
Master consignment
Total gross mass
Place of acceptance
Carrier EORI, name and address
GoodsItem (Description, gross mass, shipping marks, number of packages, type of packages)
Consignor name and address
Method of Payment
Place of loading/unloading/delivery
Transport Document Master Level (number + type)
Supplementary Declarant (EORI + Filing type)
F13 - Partial dataset - Straight bill of lading only
To proceed, please select message type F13 and ensure that you fill in the Head and House item levels with the following information:
IMO number
Type of transport (see codelist)
Nationality of means of transport
Estimated date/time of departure/arrival
Countries of routing
Declarant EORI, name, address and contact information
Customs office of first entry
Master consignment
Carrier EORI, name and address
Place of loading/unloading
Transport Document Master Level (number + type)
Total gross mass
Place of acceptance
GoodsItem (Description, 6-digit commodity code, gross mass, shipping marks, number of packages, type of packages)
Consignor name and address
Method of Payment
Place of delivery
Supplementary Declarant (EORI + Filing type)
House consignment
Multiple ENS filings for postal consignments:
F45 - Partial dataset - Postal consignment
When processing a postal consignment, please choose message type F45 and ensure that you complete the head level with the following information:
IMO number
Type of transport (see codelist)
Nationality of means of transport
Estimated date/time of departure/arrival
Countries of routing
Declarant EORI, name, address and contact information
Customs office of first entry
Master consignment
Receptacle number
Carrier EORI, name and address
Consignee name and address
Consignor name and address
Place of loading/unloading
Transport Document Master Level (number + type)
Request for information from customs (RFI):
If you have received an RFI message from customs, specifically IE3Q02, you can add the requested information by clicking on "send response." In the next window, please provide the information requested by customs.
Important considerations for filing:
When filing an ENS and registering an entity, it is important to distinguish between the address and the number.
Ensure that the address is entered in the designated address field and the number in the number field.
The same applies to email and telephone details.
Additionally, remember to select the correct type of person: 1 for individual and 2 for company.
It is essential to complete all fields for the consignee, consignor, seller, and buyer.
It is essential that when using transport type 10, which corresponds to the vessel's IMO number, the IMO number must be provided prior to the vessel's registration number.