IFD - Simplified import declaration

A simplified way to do a declaration.

Note that 326 is only available in Emma test 

Will be available in production in week 34

New codes and declaration types

How to create an IFD

Adding authorisation code

Update IFD and send a correction

Overview over all related declarations

Complete the IFD

Final test with Swedish Customs

New codes and declaration types:

If you wish to submit a declaration before obtaining all necessary information, you have the option to create a simplified import declaration (IFDS). When you have all the necessary information, you must submit a complementary declaration (IKDS).

It is essential to have an authorization code from Tullverket to proceed with an IFD. The authorization code must be assigned to the declarant.

IFDS - Import - Simplified Declaration

IFDP - Import - Simplified declaration in advance

IFDR - Import - Correction of Simplified Declaration in advance (IFDP)

IFDA - Import - Notification of goods arrival after simplified declaration in advance

IFDC - Import - Application for modification of approved/released simplified declaration (IFDS)

Overview of the prosess:


  • IKDS needs to be completed within 10 days after the IFDS
  • Amend IFDS with an IFDC
  • Amend IKDS with an IKDC


  • IFDA needs to be completed within 30 days after the IFDP
  • Send amendments with an IFDR
  • IFDA can be sent by you or by customs


  • Possibility of only sending the IFDS, and the IKDS will be sent by another party.
  • Customs will receive the IFDS and send an IFFP to the assigned declarant.


  • IFDS has been sent to customs by a external declarant
  • Customs will send a IFFP to be completed as IKDS within 10 days

Simplified declaration cannot be used in the following cases:
- Private individuals cannot act as declarants.
- Quota applications (done in the supplementary declaration IKDS).
- Declarations related to IOSS (Import One Stop Shop).

To create an IFD declaration choose the IFD from System menu:


Proceed to select the applicable declaration type in "meddel":


Note that the previous codes has been changed. Below overview for the previous and the new declaration types:



How to create an IFD 

When creating the IFD, you also have the option to select simple or full


Simple has the only necessary field you would need in order to fulfill the requirements from customs.

Note that HS code is now mandatory provide when sending IFD

Please see tullverkets declaration guide for more information:

Deklarationshandledning för förenklad deklaration (IFDS/IFDP)

The guide also include a detailed descriptions to each field in the declaration.

Adding authorisation code:

Fill out the authorization code when submitting the IFDS, which can be preset in the Marketbase.

Locate the declarant you wish to add the authorization code for in the Marketbase.

Select "More ID numbers."

Under "förenklad tillstånd," input the authorization provided by Swedish customs.


In the declaration, when the client is chosen in the declaration field, the authorization code will automatically populate in the document tab.



Update IFD and send a correction:

If you need to update an approved IFD, you can do so in the tulltabell

Simply mark the shipment, and click the "korrigera" button

You will get a massage notifying you that the shipment has already been approved, click yes yo continue.


This will take you IFDS to and IFDC, and you can amend and click insert.

If you have made a correction previously you will get a message that an IFDC has already been created. click yes if you want to continue and send a new correction.


There is also an option to make amendments and send an IFDC directly from the declaration. Utilize the F12 function for "kopia" and select IFDC.


How to delete and restore goods items:

Under the goods item tab, you have the option to delete and restore previously deleted item lines.

To delete, simply select the item line and press the Delete key, or click on the red minus symbol.


To restore previous item lines, simply click on the restore button.

Here, you will see an overview of all related assignments with their corresponding item lines. Select the item line and press OK.


Overview over all related declarations

To see all the correction and related declaration to the shipment; go in to the declaration, and click the arrow button on the right side of F7=uppdrag. message will indicate how many relations the declaration have.

Click on the message to get the full overview:



Complete the IFD

When ready to finish the IFDS, mark the shipment in tulltabell, and click on the "kompletterande" button. This will change the type from IFDS to IKDS


See guide for IKDS to complete the IFDS

If your IFDS is no longer accessible in the F6 tulltabell, you have the option to submit an IKDS or complete the declaration directly from the declaration window. To do this, simply utilize the dropdown arrow and select "kompleterrande."


Final test with Swedish Customs

For the final test with Swedish Customs, those who do not have their own authorization for Simplified Declarations can use the one provided by Swedish Customs.  Contact the Swedish customs and to receive an EORI and SDE code.

Companies without their own Simplified Declaration authorization should provide the following details:

Simplified Declaration authorization number: SESDESEFTG-2024-D-LAN2843SDE

Declarant's EORI: SE5090722843

Add the SDE number in document field 1212 with AUT code


Follow the attached guide from the Swedish custom to get the authorisation: 

Slutprov IFDS

Slutprov IKDS


Simplified declaration, released - IFFP

To order the final test, contact the EDI testing team, who will send a message for your system to acknowledge in the correct manner.

When all testing is completed, Notify the EDI testing team via email . Provide the following details:

the Swedish customs request that you only send 1 email with all tests included

Hur du lämnar in slutprov för godkännande


- Company's organization number

- Contact person for EDI inquiries (name and email address)

- Specify which final test is being referred to

- LRN (customs ID) or MRN number associated with each final test

- Name of the system.