NCTS 5 NO - Arrival and Unloading message

How to send an arriaval and Unloading message in NCTS 5

For final rules from 21st of Jan: Final rules

  1. Send an arrival notice
  2. Send an Unloading message
  3. Create shipment
  4. Check status from customs


Arrival Notice:

When sending an arrival notice, make sure arrival is selected in the type field


Next, make sure you have selected the correct setting for you procedure.

If you have authorisation for a simplified procedure, and this has been set up correctly in the settings. you will se that trader of destination, custom s office of destinasjon, Authorisation and the location of goods has already been filled out.

See NCTS 5 NO Settings on how to set up default settings.

NB: When sending simplified procedure, customs office and location of goods needs to be the code and address you have an authorisation for. 

  1. Now you can enter the MRN from the arriving transit in the MRN field.
  2. Click on the arrival notification box to generate a date and time.
  3. Then click on the 3 dotted box to add or generate a goods number.
  4. Simplified procedure will default to your settings, and choose an incident if applicable.
  5. Click F11=save and INS=send to send the arrival notification to customs.


Unloading message:

In F6=Postbox we can see the status of our arrivals and unloading messages

After an arrival has been sent and accepted you will se this the Tur has changed to type UNL and status 7.

If the unloading has been conform, you can mark all the UNL and click the Unloading report:ok button.


If there where any discrepancies you need to go in to the unloading and add remarks


Then go to House/items tab to amend the house or goods items


Here you can add and delete goods items by clicking the add symbol og marking the goods item and click the red minus symbol (or ctrl+Del)

You can also amend weight and packages below


When ready click F11=save, and INS=send to send the unloading report



Create Shipment:

Within the House/item tab, it is possible to create a shipment and generate a Spednr for your items.

You have the option to generate one shipment per sleected line or assign a single shipment for all selected lines. To do so, simply select the shipments by using ctrl+A or ctrl+ mouse clicks, and then choose your preferred options in the dropdown menu.


Status messages form customs:

In F6=postbox you get a full overview over the status of your arrivals and unloading.

There is an overview over the different status in the dropdown menu.

If there is an error message, status 4 back from customs, this will typically be explained with a reason, code, a pointer to where the error is located, and to what value that cause the error.

To correct the error, click on the correction button. the transit will change status from 4 to 6, and you will be able to amend and resend again.
