NCTS 5 SE - Arrival Notice and Unloading message

How to send an Arrival Notice and an Unloading message in NCTS 5

  1. Send an Arrival notice
  2. Send an Unloading message
  3. Check status

Arrival notice:

Start by choosing Type: Arrival



Unloading message:

Open F6=Postbox

When we have recieved status 7 - the arrival notice is approved. Then we can create an unloading message. If the unloading was conform we can highlight the transit and click the unload report: ok button.


If the unloading was not conform we need to open the transit and fill out unloading mark. If you’re using bonded warehouse you also need IG number.


To delete goodslines or shipments that were missing from the manifest, we can delete this from house/items.


  • Select the house you need to delete - then click the minus button in the right corner.


  • 2 Select the goodsitem you need to delete - then click the minus button in the right corner.
    You can also use CTRL + delete to remove the lines.
    You’re allowed to do changes as adding more goods items by clicking the additional button.
    Or you can change weights and other details you might want to change.


When you’re ready - click Insert to send to customs.

Check status:

In F6=Postbox you will get a full overview.

Here you can read the message back from customs, if it has been approved, pending or there is an error.

If you get status 4, en error message back from customs, you can read the message. and look for the pointer for where the error is pointing towards. i.e below there is an error with the location of goods.

You can navigate and read the other messages with the arrow at step 2, or click on the correction button to move the status to 6, and you can correct the transit and resend.


There is also a MRN follow up button that will look up the MRN status on the union customs and taxation page.

And the is a filter to sort for open arrivals in the right corner
