How to create a departure notice in NCTS 5
For final rules from 21st of Jan: Final rules
How to create a departure notice in the transition period
In the transition period you will be sending the declaration as TP and make sure you have departure in the Type field.
The Turnr will be generated from the system and MRN number will be generated from the Swedish customs.
To see which field that are mandatory, or what values that are required in each field, you will find this in the Swedish custom declaration guide for transits:
When adding a declaration type in field 1101, you can choose between several options in Emma. This is from the declaration guide Swedish customs has made - if you use the website you will se more details. This is made for you to make the correct decision.
For the authorisation - if blank this will mean the normal procedure.
For an authorised consignor you will need one of these codes;
see, NCTS 5 functions and default setupfor ACE&ACR setup
Add information to the mandatory fields
- Location of goods where the goods are accessible for control.
- Departure office that you’re linked to
- Limit date
- Guarantee
Custom office and exit is required only if security is selected.
You can also add departure transport, active border transport with ID and nationality.
If needed you can add container information. Press the additional button if more lines are needed.
How to connect shipments:
Click on the House/Item button.
There are three ways to add shipments:
- You can either copy goods items from an excel and click excel paste
- Click on the connect shipment button on the right side.
- you can also add manually by clicking the green add symbol on the right side
When connecting shipments you can select as many shipments as you need by marking them with pointer and ctrl.. Then click create items.
You can also click ctrl+S to search for shipments
To add lines manually, start by clicking the addition symbol, and then add the information directly to the goods item fields on the left
The same logic as NCTS4 regarding mix of shipments applies to NCTS4 as well.
Example: If declaration type T is selected on head level, you need to add declaration type T1 or T2 on house level. If not leave the field blank.
You can now send it by clicking INS (Insert).
Check status of you transits:
Click F6=postbox to see the statues
In the F6 postbox you get a full overview over your transits.
- Make a correction for a NCTS in status 4
- From the Postbox you can cancel the shipment by pressing cancellation after marking the shipment.
- And there is a MRN followup button that links to the Taxation and Custom union page