Summary of the Final Rules for NCTS 5 for SE, FI and DK
- Emma will transition from TP view to Simple view as the default starting January 21.
- Requirements for Weights, Tariff Codes, and Matching: Ensure accurate and complete information.
- Enhanced Features: Multiple house consignments and pre-lodged declarations will streamline the process.
- Final Rule go live Date: January 21, 2025.
- NCTS will be closed the night before go live. Do not send NCTS between 23:30-04:00
- The final rules are available in version 336.
- Final rules does not require any testing.
Video guide:
New Requirements in NCTS 5:
1. Departure
2. Arrival
1. House and Export
Emma transitions from TP-view to Simple-View
As of January 21, the TP will no longer be approved in the NCTS
- Previously, multiple exports could be placed under a single transit; however, now these exports must be recorded at their respective house level.
- You can send one NCTS with multiple houses, each having its own customs declaration, and it may look like this:
- Maximum 1 N830, export declaration per house.
- Maximum 1999 houses or goods line per transit. Meaning:
- If each eksport have 2 goods lines. you can only send 999 house on the transit.
- If each export only have 1 goods line each, you can send 1990 house on the transit.
- The same N830 cannot be declared on multiple houses.
- The MRN in N830 will be validated: The export must have the correct status and not already be registered in NCTS.
2. Weights and Goods Quantities
- Net weight and Tariff Number are required when an export are Connected to NCTS.
- Gross weight must be declared on the same line as the number of packages.
- Net weight cannot exceed gross weight.
3. Lines and Matching
- Goods lines on the export must match the goods lines on the export declaration.
4. Currency
- Currency is required when value is declared.
5. UCR, Country of dispatch and Loading place
- UCR or Transportdoc, Country of dispatch and Loading place is required at a minimum of one level.
- If the UCR is not utilized, it is essential to provide a transport document in field 12056.

6. Transport ID
- Transport ID must be in uppercase letters.
- If domestic transport is 2 or 3, multiple domestic means of transport can be specified.
7. Location of Goods
- Location of goods is required.
8. Destination and Transit Offices
- Destination customs office is mandatory.
- Transit customs offices must be unique. At least one must be in the same country as the destination office.
9. New Features for Logistics Optimization
- Multiple House Consignments: Enables consolidation of multiple consignments under the same master document.
- Pre-lodged Declarations: Enhanced functionality for pre-lodged declarations to minimize delays.
10. Digitalization and Paperless Process
- Paperless Transit: The Transit Accompanying Document (TAD) will no longer be mandatory in paper form.
- Electronic MRN: The MRN must be presented electronically, reducing the need for physical documents and streamlining the process.
11. Final rules for arrival and Unloading messages:
- Arrival will proceed as before; please refer to the guide for arrival and unloading under NCTS 5.
- In the "House/Items" tab related to unloading, the information is presented in a slightly different format.
- The NCTS is now divided into consignments and goods lines for clearer visibility.
- Consignments under "House Consignments" are displayed on the left side, while goods lines appear on the right side.
- Any discrepancies during unloading can be corrected here as per country regulations.
- You can delete the entire consignment under "House" using the DEL key or the "-" symbol.
- To add new consignments, simply use the "+" symbol.
- Finland:
- The addition of extra houses or goods line items is not allowed.
- Amendments are permitted exclusively for weight and quantity adjustments.
- Sweden:
- Addition of extra houses is not permitted.
- Addition of extra houses is not permitted.
- If changes beyond what is permitted are necessary, it is advisable to submit a conforming declaration first and then contact the customs helpdesk for further assistance.