NCTS 5 NO- go live, known issues

We will continuously update this page with known problems around NCTS 5 go-live in Norway


Rule violation - Grossmass

The Norwegian customs only allows for maximum of 7 figures in Gross mass


Codelist violation - Customs office of Destination/ reference number:

There is an issue with the codelist from customs/EU that may cause errors with the destination office in Sweden and Denmark. If you encounter this problem, you may receive the following message:


Solution: Use DK00560 for destination Denmark, and SE003033 for Sweden.

92 - Message out of sequence

Check MRN follow up - This message indicates the MRN has already been sent to customs


Please reach out to Norwegian customs for more details and information.

Authorisation error

Solution : Verify that you have the correct authorization code and ensure that it is linked to the correct VAT number for the transit holder and the authorized customs office. Then verify these with the Norwegian customs.
