AES - Exit Notification - CC590C

Procedure for CC590C Exit Notification

Step 1: TESS - AES new Standard customs declaration for exports

Step 2:  TESS - AES Arrival at Exit - CC507C

Processbeskrivning standardtulldeklaration export

In the final Step 3, you will submit the exit notification of goods, designated as CC590C. This process can be completed using one of three distinct methods:

  1. Once the approval for your CC507C message is confirmed with a status of 9a, proceed by selecting the shipments and clicking the "Exit Notification" box.
    1. Please indicate the type of declaration, whether it is standard or simplified. Additionally, enter the exit office and the date of exit. Finally, provide the role and the applicable identifier, such as '1' for the carrier and the EORI number.
  2. In the event that CC515C has been completed by an external party, you have the option to initiate a CC590C by selecting "EXT" from the dropdown menu. 
    1. It is essential to include the MRN number, the exit office code (1701), the date of exit, the designated role, and the identification number when submitting the notification.
  3. The CC590C message will be completed once it is linked to the NCTS as well.

Upon successful completion, you will receive a status of 9x.

In instances where you are solely completing the CC590C, and an external party has already finalized the CC515C and CC507C, the status will reflect as 3D. Conversely, a status of 9X will be communicated to the entity that submitted the CC515C.