In order to provide our customers with fast and efficient support, we encourage everyone to use our support form
Please classify the inquiry according to the description below
Ticket Type
Incident: When something has stopped working in your solution from Emma Systems or a reduction in the quality of its services or uptime.
Question: Question about a product from Emma Systems.
Service Request: A standard change to your solution from Emma Systems, e.g. additional feature, modifying a current setup, request access, report adjustments, default setup.
Furthermore, the Supplier assigns a Priority to all Incidents reported by Customer. A Priority determines which process and escalation procedure shall be followed. The following Priority levels are used:
Incident priority:
- Priority 1: With no workaround, where the use of a critical system is impossible in the production environment, or severely risks to critical business operations
- Priority 2: With no workaround, where major functionality is severely affected or restricted, but not causing immediate work stoppage, and operation can continue in a restricted fashion.
- Priority 3: Where there is a moderate loss or degradation of services, but work can reasonably continue in an impaired manner.
- Priority 4: Where there is a minor loss or degradation of services, but work can reasonably continue in an impaired manner.
If you have any Priority 1 issues you should call our support team at +47 22 87 11 40 (08-16 CET)