AES - Customs declaration for exports - CC515C

Procedure for standard customs declaration for exports

Whats is new - Usful links:


Step 1 – Export declaration CC515C
Step 2 – Presentation of goods to the office of exit CC507C
Step 3 – Exit notification of goods CC590C


Processbeskrivning standardtulldeklaration export

Whats is new with AES:

The new export system is scheduled for implementation on October 1, 2024, with a rollout period extending until December 2, 2024. It is crucial to submit these declarations marked as TP, adhering to the same regulations applicable to UGE until Desember 2025.

The primary distinction from the previous export procedure is the introduction of new mandatory fields, each assigned a unique field number. For a comprehensive understanding of the requirements for each field and its corresponding number, please refer to the detailed explanation provided in the declaration guide below.

Deklarationshandledning för standardtulldeklaration för export

For more information about the new AES process, see:

Nytt exportsystem

AES - Standard customs declaration for exports

A new procedure in three steps

The new export process consists of data submission in three steps: export declaration, presentation of goods at the office of exit and exit notification of goods.

  • Step 1 – Export declaration
    The declarant draws up a standard customs declaration and sends the customs declaration digitally to Swedish Customs in message IE515 to release the goods into the export customs procedure.
  • Step 2 – Presentation of goods to the office of exit
    When the goods arrive at the place of exit, the carrier submits an exit notification for the goods to the customs office of exit in message IE507. The notification refers to the MRN of the customs declaration.
  • Step 3 – Exit notification of goods
    When the goods have left the customs territory of the EU, the carrier must notify the customs office of exit that the goods have been removed. This is done with message IE590.

It is important to note that you as an exporter must provide the correct operator with the MRN of the export declaration. The MRN must then be passed on to the operator who submits the notification of exit of goods in step 3. Therefore, as an exporter, you must be aware of which operators provide information in the later steps.

The bold message types listed below are transmitted from the Emma system, while the other message types are sent directly from customs:

see Samverkansspecifikation for an explanation of the message types

Standard export declaration:

CC515C A - CC528C - CC529C


Arrival at Exit:
CC507C - CC525C/CC522C


CC590C - CC599C


CC515C C - CC528C - CC529 - CC507 - CC525C - CC590 - CC599C - CC515C Y


Pre-export procedures:
CC515C D - (CC513C) - CC511C - CC528C - CC529C


Simplified Procedure for Preliminary Export:
CC515C F - CC511C - CC528C - CC529 - CC507 - CC525C - CC590 - CC599C - CC515C Y


Request for Export Confirmation Not Yet Completed:
CC582C - CC583C



Step 1 – Export declaration

The AES module can be found within the customs module. To proceed, select type: E, and then choose the system AES - Standard.


Next, ensure that you select the appropriate procedure for the export process.


During the transition period, please ensure that you are submitting declarations marked as TP.



In the shipment view, you will find that each field is clearly labeled with both a name and a corresponding number. This number can also be referenced in the export declaration guide for your convenience: Declaration guide



In the Declaration guide, you will also find a more detailed description of the requirements, including their applicability to your specific declaration.

For instance, field 1302 is designated for use only when the consignor differs from the declarant.


1303 Consignee:

During the transition period, information about the consignee may be provided at either the main level or the item level. This information is only mandatory when combined with a summary export declaration, as well as for declarations related to passive processing and specific tax areas.



  • Deklarant (1305): Fill this in if you are the entity submitting the customs declaration or are acting as an indirect representative.
  • Ombud (1306): Fill this in only if you are a direct representative submitting the declaration on behalf of a declarant. Do not fill this field if acting as an indirect representative.


17 01 000 000 – Office of Exit 

To specify the customs office through which the goods are planned to exit the EU customs territory, please use the applicable Union code. The Office of Exit must be the designated customs office for the specific location from which the goods are leaving the EU for a destination outside this territory.

You will enter the Office of Exit using an eight-character code. The first two characters represent the country code, while the following six characters identify the relevant office within that country.

For a comprehensive list of customs office codes, refer to the EU's list of customs offices, where you can search by country and the role EXT – Office of Exit.

17 02 000 000 – Export Customs Office

Please enter the reference number for the office where the export formalities are conducted, using the appropriate Union code.

17 09 000 000 – Declaration Customs Office

This information should only be provided in cases of centralized clearance.

Please indicate the customs office where the goods are declared for customs procedures using the appropriate Union code.

1615 Goods Inspection Location:


Here, you should specify the location where the goods are available for inspection.

In a manner similar to the previous setup for goods location codes, you can establish your location settings as follows:

Navigate to "Underhåll," then select "Tulldata," and choose "Platskoder"

Click on the green add symbol to create your locations.

see Platskode guide for more information of setup in Emma and Markedsbase


On the right side of the shipment tab, select the applicable transport, identification ond type.

During the transition period, field 1905 and 1908 is optional, except in cases of centralized clearance. However, it is recommended by customs authorities that this information is always provided.


Under consignment 2, You will find an indicator for containers in field 1901. It is essential to specify whether security measures apply in field 1107, along with the related fields 1612 and 1104.


In the document field, you can specify the type of documents along with their corresponding numbers. The type code will determine the appropriate document type, while the identifier should include the number or reference related to the document.

These are the available document types:

  • AI - Additional Information
  • AR - Additional Reference
  • AU - Authorization
  • PD - Previous Document
  • TD - Transport Document
  • SD - Supporting Document

During the transition period, it is sufficient to add documents at the head level. The system will automatically distribute this information to the individual goods items in the background.


Subsequently, if relevant, you may include the container number and seal information in field 1907, and seal in 1910



Good Items:

in the goods item field there are some new fileds. see the declaration guide to see descriptions to each field or when its applicable.


I.e  you can add additional code in the drop down menu after 1809 field for HS codes.

and for 1302 It is mandatory to provide the consignor's information when the export declaration is combined with a summary export declaration, and the consignor differs from the declarant.

1302 and 1303 should be entered at the main level if it pertains to the entire declaration. If there are multiple consignees or consignors, their details should instead be specified at the respective goods item level.



During the transition period, it is sufficient to add documents at the head level. The system will automatically distribute this information to the individual goods items in the background.

Additionally, you have the option to attach documents directly to individual goods items in both the Transition Period (TP) and the full Automated Export System (AES).

In the document field, you can specify the type of documents along with their corresponding numbers. The type code will determine the appropriate document type, while the identifier should include the number or reference related to the document.

When ready click insert and send message CC515C



Step 1: Submit the CC515 declaration. This step is considered complete when you receive Status 9.

Step 2: Submit the CC507 message. Completion is confirmed upon receiving Status 9A.

Step 3: Submit the CC590 message. This step is completed when you obtain Status 9X.
